
Learn about Ubidots custom dashboard pages

Pages is still in BETA. Please contact to report unexpected behavior or additional clarification about the feature.

This feature requires an Enterprise License. Please contact for further information.

Similar to an HTML canvas widget, a Page is an entity that allows exposing lightweight, custom, purpose-built UI's from Ubidots dashboards, or even publicly. The key difference with respect to an HTML canvas is that a Page loads the custom code by taking the whole width and height of the Dashboard from where it's being loaded, instead of being limited to a widget container; in turn, this allows controlling, for example, responsiveness with better accuracy, or implementing vertical scrolling as a normal website would do. Nonetheless, it still inherits the ability to interact with the Dashboards' controls such as the date time picker, device selector for dynamic dashboard or the real time, refresh and full screen buttons.

For example, here's a custom developed bars breakdown widget seen as an HTML canvas. As you can see, it's fixed to the widget's container

The same code, but uploaded as Page, takes the whole space of the dashboard as the parent container:

Follow on to learn about Pages development, creation and finally, publication.

Last updated