The following is the Widget's Custom Style editor. From here, you can:
Set Custom Style for the Widget.
Any Accepted Values different than numbers, needs to be wrapped up in double quotes as a String.
Setting any of these properties will override the value inherited from the Dashboard
Setting any of these properties will render it unable to modify its Custom Style at the Dashboard level
Example 1: Set a Widget's header Custom Style
Let's give a metric widget a Custom Style that modifies the following:
Rounded corners with a border radius of 10
Outset border style
A blue-ish background color
Font color as white
Border width to 1
The following is the JSON for such Custom Style:
In order to apply the dotted border to the whole widget, you can change the line "borderStyle": "dotted"
from the "header" section and put it in the root, however, it is mandatory to the borderWidth property in order for it to be displayed correctly:
This is the Widget with no Custom Style applied yet:
The following is the same Widget after applying the Custom Style above:
Example 2: Set a Widget's Body Custom Style
Let's modify the Widget's body for the metric widget above. The following properties will be set:
Black font color
Font size to 20
Border radius to 10
Background color to
Box shadow to
60px -16px teal
The following is the JSON representing the custom style above:
After applying the Custom Style above the Widget will look like:
Example 3: Using linear gradient background
Let's take again the previous metric Widget for this example. In this case, instead of setting a flat green background color, a linear gradient will be used.
Set the background
property to linear-gradient(0.25turn, #3f87a6, #ebf8e1, #f69d3c)
as shown below:
The following is the resulting Widget:
The background
property can also be used in the Widget's Header as shown below:
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