
This element will display a button that, according to its type, will have a color meaning different status

You may add a button at the and of your form in order to trigger a custom action. This component supports the following attributes:



The type of button.

  • primary: Default blue button

  • success: Green button

  • warning: Orange button

  • danger: Red button

  • muted: Gray button


A user-defined label that serves as a unique ID to link the button to an action.

Any user-defined label that matches the label of any of the supported actions.

Supported button actions

Available actions inside the custom UI widget are:

  • Trigger webhook: Upon clicking the button, an HTTP request will be made to the configured URL.

  • Go to dashboard: Upon clicking the button, the configured dashboard will be launched in a new tab.

  • Go to URL: Upon clicking the button, a new tab will be launched pointing to the designated URL.


The following code snippet displays a green button, that, upon being clicked, will launch the action labeled make_request, that will ultimately make an HTTP POST request to a certain configured Ubidots endpoint:

<button type="success" click="make_request">Send</button>

Here, the button's property click defines the label of the action to be performed ("make_request") and which is configured in the widget's settings at the "actions" section:

Note from the GIF above that, the Label field within the Widget's Action configuration, is filled with the same label as it was in the button's click property.

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